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A Funeral should be a celebration of a life lived!

Whether you would like a religious style of service, or entirely non-religious one or somewhere in between, Alex can create the perfect balance.

Each year, Alex conducts between 200 & 250 funerals……and each one of them is entirely unique, written to reflect the needs of an individual family, taking into consideration the wishes of the deceased & balancing the service in order to connect with those present. Some of these services have been very traditional in their format, whilst others have been very ‘modern’. Whatever you feel is right, and whether you want someone to gently take you by the hand and lead you through the whole process, or whether you already have a very clear understanding of the service you would like to create, Alex can help.

Some families like Alex to wear traditional priest’s robes, others prefer suit and tie; as Alex always assures everyone, it is what you feel is appropriate for your loved one’s day that is important.